Adult Yeshivas

What is a Yeshiva?

A yeshiva is a Bible study. If we met on Sunday, we might call it a Sunday School, but a yeshiva is also a lot more interactive than the typical Sunday School class. It is an informal discussion group where everyone is welcome (but not required) to share ideas on the topic of that class.

Shalom’s yeshivas are held from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays.

Meet the Pastors / Jewish Roots

Rabbi Mort Petrushansky

On your first or second visit to Shalom, you are encouraged to attend an introductory yeshiva facilitated by our Senior Pastor, Rabbi Mort Petrushansky, during Shalom’s oneg (our refreshments break). Rabbi Mort and his wife and co-pastor, Judith, would love to get to know you and to answer any questions you may have about Shalom, about our services and ministries, about the Jewish roots of Christianity, etc.

Pastor Mort also teaches an 8-session Jewish Roots yeshiva several times a year for people who are not familiar with the Jewish roots of Christianity or who would like to learn more about all things Jewish.

Matthew the Hebrew Gospel

Pastor Margot Armer

Facilitated by Pastor Margot Armer, this yeshiva on the book of Matthew is loosely based on Matthew the Hebrew Gospel by Carroll Roberson. Find out why many scholars believe the book of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew and discuss with us the things Yeshua taught His original first century followers.

Gospel & Torah

Pastor Phillip Heine

Taught by Pastor Philip Heine, this class is based on A Year Through the Torah: A Week-by-Week Journey for Christians. Centuries before Jesus walked the earth, Ezra the Scribe divided the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) into 54 portions so that in the course of a year the entire scroll would be recited during services. In every service, Shalom reads a portion from the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the Haftarah (a short selection from the Prophets) and the Brit Chadashah (the New Testament) in our Saturday services. So much Scripture, so little time! Pastor Philip’s class studies these passages in more detail.